Creating a logo and website mockup for Examus

January 30, 2023

Get insights on creating a logo and website mockup with this blog. Covering all essential steps from research to presentation, it offers tips and best practices for graphic designers and business owners alike. Enhance your brand with a strong logo and website mockup.

Creating a logo for Examus, a software designed to help students pass exams, requires a thoughtful approach to ensure that the logo accurately represents the brand's values and mission. The logo should be simple, memorable, and easy to recognize. The unique feature of the Examus logo is the X, which is created by putting two question marks together, symbolizing the platform's focus on providing students with questions and answers to help them pass exams.

eXamus logo
  1. Logo Design: The logo is the face of the brand and should accurately represent what Examus stands for. It should be simple, memorable, and easy to recognize. The logo should be designed in a way that can be easily scaled to different sizes and used across various platforms.
  2. Login Page Design: The login page is the first thing that users see when they visit the Examus website, so it's important to make a good first impression. The login page should be easy to navigate and provide users with the option to log in using their existing account or create a new one. The design should reflect the brand's values and mission and provide a seamless user experience.
  3. Software Folder Design: The software folders are where users can access the different tools and features available on Examus. The design of the folders should be intuitive and easy to navigate. The use of color can play a crucial role in differentiating the various tools and making it easier for users to find what they're looking for.
  4. Color Selection: The choice of color is important in creating a visual identity for the brand. The color palette used in the logo, login page, and software folders should be consistent and reflect the brand's values and mission. The use of color can also play a role in differentiating the various tools and features available on the platform.

In conclusion, creating a logo for Examus requires a thoughtful approach that considers the brand's values and mission, the target audience, and the user experience. The unique X symbol in the logo represents the platform's focus on providing students with questions and answers, and the use of color can help create a consistent visual identity for the brand.

Under you find some initial work on the logo and mockup I made for the site before sending it off to the developer:

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By Nitter Design